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  • How does the election impact the housing market?

    I'm thinking of selling, but I'm wondering if the election will impact my sale. I'm not desperate to sell, so I could wait until after the election and sell next spring if that's a better time. Can you give me your opinion on how the election impacts the housing market?

    • Asked by Francis
    • Baltimore, MD
    • Selling
    • 1 day ago
  • Does Real Broker, LLC have one broker to contact?

    I have a contract with an broker-associate who is part of Real Broker, llc. Is there an off ice to contact to discuss problems I am having, or is this like a franchise type operation and the broker-associate I am dealing with is probably the person in charge?? can't figure out how to find this out.

  • Is it a bribe?

    Home buyer here. Wondering if I can offer an extra incentive with my home offer, like tickets to a football game, a concert, dinner out, etc. Looking for a way to set my offer apart. But I'm wondering if that's seen as a bribe.

    • Asked by Brad
    • Green Bay, WI
    • Buying
    • 4 days ago
  • Looking for an agent who sells land in Pine Bluff

    I reside in another state (Florida) and would like to sell my vacant lot located in Pine Bluff, Arkansas.

    • Asked by Joann Neurath
    • Pine Bluff, AR
    • Selling
    • 1 week ago
  • Being disabled owning a home?

    I'm looking to own my own home. I am disabled and don't know where to start. Looking for help and resources to help guide me in home buying.

    • Asked by Kristina Kozar
    • Waukegan, IL
    • Buying
    • 1 week ago
  • Can I sell part of my property?

    I have almost 5 acres and want to sell part of the land.

    • Asked by Randall Hurley,in Care Of Linda Howell
    • Pelion, SC
    • Selling
    • 1 week ago
  • Selling my home with someone else on the deed

    I want to sell my home in Pittsburg but my nephew is on the Deed and will not work with me. Can I still sell it? I need some advice as to how we can get this property sold as he has been collecting the rents solely himself for approximately 5 years. I no longer want to be responsible and my name is First on the Deed. The home was my mother's home. He is only a grandson.

    • Asked by Anthony And Jayleyne
    • Pittsburgh, PA
    • Selling
    • 2 weeks ago
  • Mas de 8 cuartos en una casa que es de 3 normalmente?

    En una casa hay 8 cuartos y vienen más de 10 personas estos cuartos son pequeños que solo alcanza una cama personal y un armario amable super pequeño la casa no esta acondicionado de la mejor manera no funciona el aire acondicionado el césped no lo cortan adecuadamente es legal que construyan cuartos así de pequeños para rentables?

    • Asked by Lohana
    • Hollywood florida, FL
    • Renting
    • 2 weeks ago
  • Executed Contract + addendum not signed

    Already closed but sellers didn’t sign contract. Only has a date on the signature line. Addendum and amendments that were part of the contract wasn’t given to the lender or signed by the sellers. We signed them but I don’t know what happened after I sent them to the Realtor. No one caught this error and now I have to sue the sellers for fraud and non disclosure. Agent said it was an executed contract, nothing to worry about? Is she correct?

  • I have bad credit and im trying to get a home?

    I served in the military and got out with bad credit and I’m just trying to get a forever home with my kids and wife

  • Is four years too long to spend with a realtor?

    My husband started a new medical practice in Rochester Ny back in 2020. So we rent a condo there for him. Our family home is in PA with 3 years left for our last child to graduate HS before I move permanently to NY. We have been working with the same realtor in Rochester since 2020 have made multiple offers over the 4 years to no avail. He’s nice. My husband likes him. We mostly find our own listings to view online, occ he sends an email with a listing. But I’m frustrated! I don’t know what to do here. We made an offer last year on a house that would work for us for full price $895,000. The seller turned down our offer saying he now wanted 1.2 million because he thought he would get a bidding war. He didn’t get any other offers, so he took it off the market. He put it back in the market this June for 1.1 million. We did not know it was back on but I feel our realtor should have known and told us. It sold a few days later for $900,000. Only $5,000 more than our previous offer! This past week called our realtor to ask about an home that just came on the market wanting to know the area ext, our realtor sent us an email back saying it looked perfect for us. He Set up a showing for 2 days later we were so excited and planned to do whatever we could to get this one. Then the next day we were notified that an offer was accepted so no showing. We were heartbroken..until my husband mentioned this area to a co worker at the hospital who said oh yeah that house is 1/4 mile or less from A Nuclear Power plant. What?? How could our realtor not know this info? We would never been ok with a nuclear pop so close to a development and not have gotten excited then heartbroken then confused here. I feel like our realtor should have told us about this before the showing was even set up as I asked about the area since it was in Ontario and not Rochester. Something def feels wrong here. I know we have 3 years left to find something but we do t want to be stuck on that 3rd year, plus me having to look everyday on, I gave a job myself and college kids, a hs kid, it feels like I’m the realtor not him. And neither is us are getting anywhere!!

    • Asked by Jenny
    • Rochester, NY
    • Buying
    • 3 weeks ago
  • How do I buy a house with a friend?

    My current roommate and I are renting. If we put our money together we could afford to buy a house. Buy I'm worried about buying a house with a friend. What if one of us wants to move out? Could we buy each other out? How do I proceed while also protecting myself and my finances?

    • Asked by Eric
    • Santa Barbara, CA
    • Buying
    • 3 weeks ago
  • How do I choose a college rental investment?

    What are some parameters for choosing an investment property at a college? We're just starting our search and aren't totally sure on how to choose a college that would have good rental terms.

    • Asked by Maggie
    • Bloomington, IN
    • Investing
    • 1 month ago
  • Seller Never Satisfied The Repairs?

    I fell in love with a house in April 2024 and never imagined I'd be in a position where I still haven't closed by June 21, 2024. My agreement of sale (AOS) was signed on April 9. My original close date was May 10, 2024. A few days before closing I was notified there were 3 outstanding permits with our city's L&I department and the property was in violation. We added an addendum to the agreement of sale stating the seller would address all repairs required by the city before closing and we rescheduled the closing date. All parties signed. Since that time, I have had closings set for May 30, June 6, June 13, and June 20 - Change in Terms agreements (CTAs) were in place for each of these new closing dates and the Seller has yet to complete the repairs according to the city's satisfaction. The city has re-inspected the property twice. I decided to pursue an escrow agreement with the Seller so we could close with funds set aside for the repairs. They promised to review it but took 1 full week to do so. I had additional redlines to their response and my attorney and I sent a new escrow proposal on June 19. My agent told me on 6/20/24 that the Seller was reaching out to the city to get more clarification on the date of final inspection for the repairs. That was over 24 hours ago and I've had no update from anyone (despite following up). The CTA for the AOS expired on June 20 at 11:59pm with all of the above in limbo. Since I haven't heard from anyone, what are my next steps? I hope to speak with my attorney this afternoon. Does anyone have experience with a transaction like this? I have been ready to move forward since May 10. I feel blindsided by these repairs and further blindsided by the fact that the seller is not making them in a timely fashion. It scares me that they are doing work and yet not passing inspections. Also, I've had to extend my rental agreement to have a place to live while all of these repairs occur. I've scheduled and rescheduled movers, cleaning crews, and handymen. I've changed insurance companies in preparation for the move (for a good home/auto rate vs. what I was paying as a renter). And I've been scheduling time off from work for the closing and the move, which ultimately has not yet happened. I am so frustrated and I am going into my 4th month of dealing with this. Now that the agreement of sale has expired, what are my options (if any)? Do I walk away and leave my earnest money deposit on the table? Or, do I decide to pursue a lawsuit for the Seller's negligence/breach of contract? This has cost me so much, not to mention several interest rate extensions to maintain my current interest rate with my lender. Those extensions also come at a cost. Thanks in advance for the insight.

    • Asked by Morgan Wade
    • Philadelphia, FL
    • Buying
    • 1 month ago
  • I want to sell quickly because I inherited a condo.?

    I am painting the whole inside With a professional painter. I need a new stove, and I have furniture to stage. What incentives can I offer to make a quick sale

    • Asked by Sally Catalana
    • San Rafael, CA
    • Tips & Advice
    • 1 month ago
  • Who should I hire to find warehouses for lease?

    I'm looking for an industrial or flex space for lease. When researching on my own, the visible spaces are either too large or insufficient information to decide. Furthermore, agents tend to focus on selling and buying industrial or flex spaces.

    • Asked by Elaine Hausner
    • Perth Amboy, NJ
    • Renting
    • 1 month ago
  • Real estate contract addendums ?

    I am a beneficiary of a 2016 addendum for a commercial building adjacent to a income property the addendum was to separate mine from the sale. The owner and buyer both named I was an intentional beneficiary it covers necessary work and upgrades to the apartment and detailed use of property i now have none although I pay for out -of - pocket while the other tenants have social services and other perks. My landlord has done nothing to rectify the discrepancy nor has she offer or intend to fulfill the obligation she made to me and accepted bythe buyer

  • What kind of loan do we need for redemption ?

    What kind of loan do we need for redemption ? Home loan for redemption of buying house back I’m within my 90 day window to be able for redemption and I’m in California

    • Asked by Genowa Walker
    • Los Angeles, CA
    • Home Loans
    • 1 month ago
  • Are there still deals out there for first home buyers?

    My daughter is tired of renting and would like to be a home buyer but she can only afford about 1300 to 1500 house payments do they even exist

  • How do I find an Agent to sell a flip home in so seattle ?

    try to sell a home that needs work in so seattle. can't seem to get any agent info on line. can you help

    • Asked by Dennis Herold
    • Selling
    • 1 month ago
  • Hired wrong agent?

    My stepdaughter has an agent she is working with to sell her home in Wilmington. An offer has already been accepted on another house contingent upon the sale of her current house. The agent has told multiple people involved in the sale of the new house that the current house would be sold in 8 days. We are now 23 days in. The agent was late to the open house (not sure she would have made it if it wasn't for us asking when she would be at the house) and has had no communication unless we initiate it. How should we proceed from here as time is of the essence getting our current house sold so as not to loose our new house?

    • Asked by Ashley Watson
    • Wilmington, FL
    • Selling
    • 1 month ago
  • Should I wait until the Fall to sell my house?

    I have a friend that told me to wait until the Fall to sell my house. He said that it will be a better time to sell. And he said I may pay less in commission. Is this true? What are your thoughts?

    • Asked by Sandy
    • Tallahassee, FL
    • Selling
    • 1 month ago
  • Not an agent, how long do I keep previously owned documents?

    My mother passed and has documents from 20 years ago, and longer, on previously owned homes and land. They have all been sold years ago. Can I toss them out?

    • Asked by Barbara Smith
    • El Paso, TX
    • Selling
    • 1 month ago
  • Can I take a plantings with me after selling?

    I know, it sounds petty... but can I take a couple outdoor plants with me after selling? There's some I've worked really hard to nurture and grow. I'd really like to take them with me to my new home. I'm happy to replace them with something else for the buyer. I don't want to turn off a buyer, but I'd really like to take the plants with me.

    • Asked by Charity
    • Charleston, SC
    • Selling
    • 1 month ago
  • Should I use my max pre approval amount?

    Should I use my maximum mortgage pre-approval amount to buy a home? Homes are expensive and I'm tempted to use my max pre-approval amount, but it's much more than what I expected and I'm nervous about the monthly payments. However, I also want to be able to purchase a home.

    • Asked by Morgan
    • Sunnyvale, CA
    • Buying
    • 1 month ago
  • Need a Hud approved or certified buying agent?

    I am permanantly disabled and inder 65. I have been approved for a usda/rural development loan but i cant find anything to which fits the requirements and mortgage amount. I could apply for comstruction to permament mortgage loan. No one seems to want to help me. It is available in all states from what i have read on rural development site. And the office i am applying with says they dont process those loans. I am required to use a HUD certified buying agent with 2 years experience. Could someone please help me i have until aug. 23 to get it done. Thank you very much. P.s. i could also use some help applying for grants for nonelderly disabled persons. I am already approved for housing choice voucher and receive it. I now qualify for homebuyers voucher same pha. Ill get a minimum of $505/month assistance from HUD. And I have a C.O.E. OF $117330. I would be endebted forever as it may be my only option left to own a home in my life as i am 52. Could use any help whatsoever. Thank you and have a great holiday weekend and be safe. Thank you for your time, again!!

  • Who owns my property photos?

    Who owns my property photos? I had listed my house over a year ago, but had it delisted after a month because of a family illness. I'd like to list again and use the same photos. I'd also like to share them on my social media. Do I have ownership of my property photos to use however I want?

    • Asked by Mike
    • Pensacola, FL
    • Marketing
    • 2 months ago
  • Will finishing my basement increase my property taxes?

    Will finishing my basement increase my property taxes? We're hoping to finish it, but wondering what kind of financial impact this will have.

    • Asked by Moni
    • Galena, IL
    • Remodeling
    • 2 months ago
  • Can our agent demand their commission B4 closing?

    Our listing company is insisting that we bring a cashier's check to them before closing because the lender the buyers are using doesn't work with them. Our listing agreement states that they will receive their money AT closing. They want $3000 prior to closing the deal.

  • best way to buy my parents a house and they pay ?

    How can I help disabled parents out and buy a house that they could pay mortgage payments on or pay payments to me with out having to charge them fair market value or major tax issues for me. There credit isn’t great and they are elderly and on a fixed income, trying to figure out best way for both of us

    • Asked by Valerie Henderson
    • Mary’s I’ll ohio, FL
    • Buying
    • 2 months ago
  • Does a quick sale have to be approved by the mortgage company?

    I'm relocating and need to sale my home quickly. I have a buyer that wants to just take over the note. Could we do a quick sale?

    • Asked by Pamela Phillips
    • Nashville, FL
    • Selling
    • 2 months ago
  • What happens if your mortgage is worth more than your home?

    What happens if your mortgage is worth more than your house? I'm worried that I overpaid for the house and that the value will go down.

    • Asked by Ryan
    • Memphis, TN
    • Home Loans
    • 2 months ago
  • Is a bigger down payment better for seller?

    Is a bigger down payment better for the seller? If so why? Why would the down payment make any difference as long as they're getting paid?

    • Asked by Brian
    • Deerfield, IL
    • Buying
    • 2 months ago
  • How do you know if you're paying too much for a house?

    How do you know if you're paying too much for a house? I know that the housing market is crazy right now, but I don't want to overpay. I

    • Asked by Alex
    • Fort Worth, TX
    • Buying
    • 2 months ago
  • What if I think my house should be listed for more?

    I had an initial conversation with an agent and they're pushing to list my house for $25K less than what I think is market value. I've researched the homes around me and what's sold recently that's similar. I know they've also done their research, but I disagree with where they're pricing the house. What should I do?

    • Asked by Esther
    • Arlington, VA
    • Selling
    • 2 months ago
  • Usda Home Loan?

    I live in Tennessee but want to move close to family in Florida. I've checked addresses for eligiblity and USDA map shows it is eligible. I've not begun the process of even applying for the loan but wanted to know if I can live in one state but apply to get the loan in another? I work at a big known retail store and transfer will not be a problem.

    • Asked by Heather Sisemore
    • i don't know, FL
    • Home Loans
    • 3 months ago
  • Are closets included in square footage?

    Are closets included in the square footage of a house? Is there anything that's a part of the house, but doesn't count towards square footage? Thanks!

  • How does my home gym affect value?

    How does my home gym affect my home value? Some friends that come over love it and others say it's too cluttered. I want to sell my home (not including the equipment). Wondering how having a whole room dedicated to my exercise will affect the home value.

    • Asked by Rob
    • Reno, NV
    • Selling
    • 3 months ago
  • Can I buy land in California and live on it in an RV?

    With real estate being so high. I would like to buy land and live on it but Im not sure if its even legal.

    • Asked by Melissa Arroyo
    • Ventura, CA
    • Tips & Advice
    • 3 months ago
  • Where are affordable places to live in the USA?

    I work remotely and I'm looking to cut back on my housing costs and general living costs. I would like an area that is medium-sized, but otherwise, I'm pretty open.

  • Can a buyer represent themselves in a home purchase?

    Can a buyer represent themselves in a home purchase? I know FSBO is an option, but what does that look like for buyers? And will the selling realtor let a buyer into a home without an agent?

    • Asked by David
    • Scottsdale, AZ
    • Buying
    • 3 months ago
  • What are signs that an area is declining?

    What are some red flags or signs that an area is declining? What should I look at to get a feel for the neighborhood and get a picture of what it will be in 10+ years?

    • Asked by James
    • San Mateo, CA
    • Buying
    • 3 months ago
  • Why is a 15-year fixed rate mortgage better than a 30 year?

    Why is a 15-year fixed rate mortgage better than a 30 year mortgage? Are there other factors that I should think about?

  • Are real estate agents getting paid differently?

    I've heard that there's going to be changes in paying a real estate agent. I'm considering selling my house and wondering how that will impact me. Should I try to sell before or after the changes? Thanks.

    • Asked by Michael
    • Pittsburgh, PA
    • Selling
    • 3 months ago
  • Should I wait to sell my house until later this year?

    Should I wait to sell my house until later this year? It seems like maybe things will get better in the Fall?? What do you think?

    • Asked by Michael
    • Pittsburgh, PA
    • Selling
    • 3 months ago
  • Why are home prices so high?

    Why are home prices so high? Even homes outside of my desired area are so expensive. I've been trying to save to buy a house, but the downpayment I planned now doesn't get me what I want.

    • Asked by Angelica
    • Phoenix, AZ
    • Buying
    • 3 months ago
  • Talk to me about mortgage recasting?

    What is mortgage recasting? How do i know if I should do it? And how often should I do it? I took out a loan $350K at 6.6% last year. Thanks!

  • How soon can I buy a house after buying one ?

    Do not want to use persistent house for loan, loan is only4 months old. Thinking of June to purchase for rental

    • Asked by Carmen N Rodriguez
    • O'Fallon, IL
    • Home Loans
    • 3 months ago
  • Is it cheaper to buy a repossessed house ?

    The bank repossessed a house can I pay the remainder of the cost of the house or do you have to payf full price

    • Asked by Trudie
    • Gallup, NM
    • Tips & Advice
    • 3 months ago
  • Can I offer a home a cash price for the house ?

    I have won a money and want to buy a new home And offer a lower price than what the realtor said Is it up to the home owner to decide

    • Asked by Trudie Hoffmann
    • Gallup, FL
    • Buying
    • 3 months ago