
10.Kelly+ Co

13.Regan Maki and Cal Couch
Trusted Pro
As a verified Trusted Pro, Regan Maki and Cal Couch utilizes their wide network of professionals to ensure you connect to the right professionals that meet your needs.

16.Amber Rogers
Trusted Pro
As a verified Trusted Pro, Amber Rogers utilizes their wide network of professionals to ensure you connect to the right professionals that meet your needs.

18.Cat Benitez

23.Jill Littlepage
Trusted Pro
As a verified Trusted Pro, Jill Littlepage utilizes their wide network of professionals to ensure you connect to the right professionals that meet your needs.

Resources to pick the best agent in Georgia
There are 68,758 real estate agents in the state of Georgia to choose from. We’ve analyzed and ranked over 2,540 top real estate agent profiles in our network to help you find the best agents in GA for 2025.
Our team evaluates the number of recent sales, confirmed customer reviews, and agent track record to determine the top agents in each location.
Hiring an agent who is experienced and trusted by past clients gives you confidence throughout the home buying or selling process. You can be sure you have the best partner to get you the best price for your home.
Georgia has many real estate agents who claim to be the best and get you the best deal. How do you know who to trust and who will work the hardest for you?
We’ve crunched the numbers and gone through thousands of real estate agent profiles to bring you only the best as you begin your journey. Search, compare, and hire easily from this list of top Georgia real estate agents of 2025.
The Best Realtors in Georgia by Top Cities
No matter what Georgia city you live in, there’s a top realtor out there who will get you the best deal when it comes to buying or selling a home. Here we break it down by the best Georgia real estate agents in each city.
Top Real Estate Agents in Georgia By City
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The Bottom Line
If you’re ready to sell your home, we have you covered. Choosing a real estate agent in Georgia can seem overwhelming, especially with so many agents in Georgia who would love to work with you.
FastExpert makes it simple.
With the world’s largest database of real estate agents in Georgia, you can view agent profiles, including Georgia home listings, read verified client reviews, and easily message your perfect Realtor.
When your money and your memories are involved, you need a partner you trust by your side. With a FastExpert real estate agent, you can have confidence that you’ll get the best service in all of Georgia.
Have questions? We’re here to help! Message us at [email protected] or call (800) 319-0511.