cross icon
  • N/A Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 111 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
    last 3 years
  • $460.2K Average
    Price Point
  • $12M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 51 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
    last 3 years
  • $388.2K Average
    Price Point
  • $33M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 138 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
    last 3 years
  • $133K Average
    Price Point
  • $42M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • $9.3M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 33 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
    last 3 years
KEN MILNER Top real estate agent in Odenton


Trusted Pro

As a verified Trusted Pro, KEN MILNER utilizes their wide network of professionals to ensure you connect to the right professionals that meet your needs.

locationOdenton, MD

new_crd_ 23 Yrs of Experience

  • Trusted Pro

    KEN MILNER is a Trusted Pro with a network of verified vendors.

  • $16M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 81 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
    last 3 years
  • $538.5K Average
    Price Point
  • $15M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 90 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
    last 3 years
  • $502.5K Average
    Price Point
  • $11M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 24 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
    last 3 years
  • $882.4K Average
    Price Point
  • $16M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 24 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
    last 3 years
  • $3.6M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 23 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
    last 3 years
  • $443.8K Average
    Price Point
  • $12M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 104 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
    last 3 years
  • $358.6K Average
    Price Point
  • $5.5M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 29 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
    last 3 years
  • $282.2K Average
    Price Point
  • $2.8M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 25 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
    last 3 years
  • $357.8K Average
    Price Point
James Wolfe Top real estate agent in Odenton

44. James Wolfe

Trusted Pro

As a verified Trusted Pro, James Wolfe utilizes their wide network of professionals to ensure you connect to the right professionals that meet your needs.

locationOdenton, MD

new_crd_ 17 Yrs of Experience

  • Trusted Pro

    James Wolfe is a Trusted Pro with a network of verified vendors.

  • $4M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 5 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
    last 3 years
  • $716K Average
    Price Point
  • $15M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 31 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
    last 3 years
  • $529.4K Average
    Price Point