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  • $0 Total Sales
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  • 36 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
    last 3 years
  • $561.6K Average
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  • $27M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 85 Recent
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    last 3 years
  • $798.6K Average
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  • $16.5M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 82 Recent
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    last 3 years
  • $349.2K Average
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  • $32M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 51 Recent
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    last 3 years
  • $399.8K Average
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  • $50M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 6 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
    last 3 years
  • $29.7K Average
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  • $22M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • $27M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 30 Recent
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    last 3 years
  • $570.2K Average
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  • $22M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 14 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
    last 3 years
  • $516.2K Average
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  • $5.9M Total Sales
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  • 12 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
    last 3 years
  • $453.3K Average
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  • $11.7M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 24 Recent
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  • $594.5K Average
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  • N/A Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 18 Recent
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  • $496.4K Average
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  • $4.8M Total Sales
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  • 55 Recent
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  • $464.6K Average
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  • $8M Total Sales
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  • 10 Recent
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  • $9M Total Sales
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  • 55 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
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  • $511.8K Average
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  • $5M Total Sales
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  • 8 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
    last 3 years
  • $498.8K Average
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