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Can I switch real estate agents? ?

I'm not happy with my current real estate agent. Trying to sell current home and buy another house with this agent. Can I switch real estate agents? How do I cancel the contract with them?
Asked By Isaiah | Boulder, CO | 233 views | Working With An Agent | 1 year ago
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Chris Yochum

Dickson Realty


You can often cancel by notifying your agent that you no longer want to work with them. You will want to review the contract you initiated with the agent to know what the cancelation policy is. Many times if someone is not happy with their agent they can simply just ask them to no longer represent and withdraw the listing.
Sarah McGarry

Keller Williams Partners


Yes, make sure to have it all in writing and documented. Email works well. Be specific, what was promised that is not being fulfilled? Review your listing terms regarding cancellation and refer to that in the email. Depending on the response from the agent, you might need to contact the agents broker but I would recommend starting with just your agent before escalating. Good luck!

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