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  • $7M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • $5M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 151 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
    last 3 years
  • $327.9K Average
    Price Point
  • $18M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • $310.7K Average
    Price Point
  • $10M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 10 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
    last 3 years
  • $355.5K Average
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  • $3M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 36 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
    last 3 years
  • $363.8K Average
    Price Point
  • $8.3M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • $6.5M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 16 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
    last 3 years
  • $800K Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 23 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
    last 3 years
  • $159K Average
    Price Point
  • $9M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 50 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
    last 3 years
  • $608.3K Average
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  • $6M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 4 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
    last 3 years
  • $455K Average
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  • $10M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 25 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
    last 3 years
  • $606K Average
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  • $2.1M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 11 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
    last 3 years
  • $464.8K Average
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  • $24M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 16 Recent
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    last 3 years
  • $280.5K Average
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  • N/A Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 55 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
    last 3 years
  • $230.7K Average
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