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Patrick Veale Top real estate agent in Higganum

23. Patrick Veale

locationHigganum, CT

new_crd_ 2 Yrs of Experience

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  • $342.5K Average
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Zina Maggio Top real estate agent in Higganum

24. Zina Maggio

locationHigganum, CT

new_crd_ 5 Yrs of Experience

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  • $281.8K Average
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Gina Cannelli Top real estate agent in Higganum

25. Gina Cannelli

locationHigganum, CT

new_crd_ 4 Yrs of Experience

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Brenda Hanley Top real estate agent in Higganum

26. Brenda Hanley

locationHigganum, CT

new_crd_ 18 Yrs of Experience

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Anna Tiezzi Top real estate agent in Higganum

27. Anna Tiezzi

locationHigganum, CT

new_crd_ 12 Yrs of Experience

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Larry Madow Top real estate agent in Higganum

28. Larry Madow

locationHigganum, CT

new_crd_ 32 Yrs of Experience

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Michelle Manter Top real estate agent in Higganum

29. Michelle Manter

locationHigganum, CT

new_crd_ 16 Yrs of Experience

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Liz Squillacote Top real estate agent in Higganum

30. Liz Squillacote

locationHigganum, CT

new_crd_ 5 Yrs of Experience

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