How Do Real Estate Agents Get Client Leads?


|10 min read

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Whether you’re a brand new agent, or a seasoned agent, leads are crucial. A real estate agent’s leads are the key to success. As your number of closed sales increases, the easier it becomes to acquire leads. But as they say, you have to walk before you run. And the leads aren’t going to come to you right off the bat. So where do real estate agents get their leads?

In this article I’ll be covering where the best real estate agents acquire their leads and how you can do the same. Let’s dive in!

 where do real estate agents get their leads

The Easiest Way to Get Leads as a Real Estate Agent

By far, one of the best ways to get high quality leads as a real estate agent is to join an online real estate agent directory. Online real estate directories work as a hub for buyers and sellers to find real estate agents in their area easily. 

Trusted online real estate agent directories like FastExpert are the perfect place to sign up to get quality leads. First time buyers and sellers are looking for trustworthy real estate agents that will get them the best deal when it comes to their property or the property they want to buy. Commonly searched traits and habits for real estate agents include honesty, being trustworthy, communication, and being knowledgeable. Agents attached to receive high marks with these traits attached to their profiles, making them easy to separate from scam artists found elsewhere.

When you have an agent profile attached to FastExpert, you can be featured in lists of best real estate agents in your city and state…this is great marketing to be seen by interested clients! You’re probably thinking, this sounds great and all, but how do I get started?

How to Get a Profile on FastExpert

The first step to getting quality leads as a real estate agent is getting your profile on a trusted online real estate directory. As mentioned above, we recommend FastExpert as choice number one. So how do you do this? 

  • Step 1: First you’ll need to sign up on FastExpert’s real estate agent sign up form. Whether you’re a brand new agent, or one that’s been in the business for years, you can sign up for a free profile with FastExpert.
  • Step 2: Once You’ve applied for an agent profile, you’ll be able to add your property listings to reach potential buyers and sellers using the site. You can also add what zip codes you service.
  • Step 3: Truthfully, there is no step 3. Once you’ve been approved for an agent profile, you’ll be able to start receiving leads based on your available zip codes and experience. Buyers and sellers are recommended agents with the most applicable experience, so if your profile fits their criteria, they’ll be matched with you!

How Much Does it Cost to Get an Agent Profile on FastExpert?

Getting an agent profile on is free! The only cost involved as a FastExpert agent is a 25% referral fee on your commission if your lead results in a transaction. Simple as that! There are no startup fees and no monthly charges, so you can confidently join without fear of monetary loss.

Requirements to be Listed as an Agent with FastExpert

The only true requirements to get your agent profile application approved is to be in good standing with the Department of Real Estate, and to be a licensed real estate agent.

where do real estate agents get their leads

How Real Estate Agents Get Quality Leads

Aside from setting up an agent profile with online real estate directories like FastExpert, there are other things you’ll need in order to get quality leads as a real estate agent. Seasoned professionals in the industry utilize these, and if you want to acquire valuable leads, you’ll use these too.

Get Licensed with NAR

The National Association of Realtors or NAR, is a trade association for real estate agents and those who work in the real estate industry. By joining NAR, you’re introduced to many networking opportunities, which can result in getting valuable leads as a real estate agent.

You don’t have to be licensed with NAR to be a real estate agent. However, you do have to be licensed with them if you want to be a realtor. NAR actually coined the term “realtor” and it is now a registered trademark. So without a NAR membership, you cannot brand yourself as a realtor.  

To legally call yourself a realtor, you must apply for membership with NAR and join all three of their associations. This includes: local, state, and national. Each has their own set of yearly fees and are all required to be a registered member of NAR. You can’t only choose one.

Why You Should Get Licensed with NAR

So why is this important? Oftentimes, buyers and sellers will want to work with estate agents with high marks and credentials. Real estate agents have a reputation of being too costly and untrustworthy. But they’re pretty much necessary players in the purchase or sale of a property.

Someone looking to buy or sell their home might only want to work with agents that are registered realtors, and might search for agents associated with NAR. 

This might eliminate you from the lineup if you aren’t a licensed agent of NAR. Clients see agents registered with NAR as more professional, and overall more trustworthy real estate agents. This is something to consider if you’re wondering where real estate agents get their leads.

Try Real Estate Social Media Marketing to Get Leads

If there’s anything that can make or break you as a real estate agent, it’s a tactful marketing strategy. Even if you’re a long time agent, you’ve got to keep up with the times. Gone are the days of mailers, faces on park benches, and posters at bus stops. There are better ways to market yourself as a real estate agent.

Real Estate Social Media Marketing Checklist

If you want to succeed as a real estate agent, you have to have a notable online presence. This is a non-negotiable requirement. Apps and websites you must have to market yourself as an agent include:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Linkedin 

Anything beyond this is optional and can’t hurt to have. If you want to promote yourself with Twitter for example, by all means do so. Just keep in mind that most people looking for agents are going to focus on the three apps mentioned above. 

So now that you’ve created your respective social media accounts to promote yourself as an agent, what do you post? 

Property Photos

post high quality property photos of homes for sale or rent in your respective zip codes to attract buyers. Include quality copy within the description that tells the story of the home.

Include details about the property including:

  • Number of bedrooms
  • Number of bathrooms
  • The size of the property
  • If it has several acres of land
  • If it has a pool
  • An approximate address
  • If it’s near shops and restaurants or away from the noisy city
  • And any other notable features

Success Stories/Testimonials

If you’ve got a handful of successful transactions you can refer to, post about them! If you recently closed a sale, post a photo of the house or of you with the client. Both couldn’t hurt! Tell the story of what the client was looking for and how they found their dream home with you. 


If you receive some kind of award or new certification in the real estate industry, make a post about it! Potential clients looking through your social media posts will be searching for things that make you seem legitimate and trustworthy. So never skip out on these. 

General Advertising

If you have graphic design skills, post a well crafted visual advertisement about your services as a real estate agent. You can use these types of posts as paid posts to reach more potential leads. If you’re not experienced in this area, hiring a graphic artist or digital marketing specialist is an option.

Running social media accounts go hand in hand with digital marketing. Promote posts and be sure to link your audience to your website, or anywhere that lists your contact information. This is a generally easy way that real estate agents can get their leads.

Ultimately, your goal should be to convince your audience that you are the real estate agent they need. Once they’ve decided to reach out, it should be simple for them to get in touch with you. Make sure your professional email, work number, and social media accounts are all listed in your website and social profiles. This way your leads can easily reach out to you.

Build a Blog and Utilize SEO to Get Leads

Navigating the real estate industry in the digital age is wildly competitive but not impossible. It might seem like you’re a small fish in an increasingly expanding pond. But when you get an understanding of basic SEO strategies, this can set you apart from your competition. 

Building a real estate blog on your personal website is a great way to promote yourself. Writing about hot real estate topics and utilizing valuable focus keywords can bring traffic to your site. This is a great strategy for real estate agents to get their leads.

You’ll want to focus on topics that work in your favor and that can not only convince viewers to click, but to stick around and contact you for a consultation. Topics in the vein of “where to find a real estate agent” or “best real estate agents in (your city)” will bring in traffic.

If these articles hold value to the reader, and include an easy call to action, this can be a great way to capture leads. If you don’t have time to write your own blogs, or are simply not a skilled writer, hiring a content writer or ghost writer is a valid option!  

where do real estate agents get their leads

The Easiest Way to Get Leads as a Real Estate Agent is Right Here

If you’ve accomplished the necessary strategies for real estate agents mentioned above, but haven’t created a profile with FastExpert yet, what are you waiting for? Creating a custom real estate agent profile on is where the most successful agents get their leads online.

Creating an agent profile with FastExpert is completely free and easy to make. You can create a custom profile to promote yourself as an agent, get connected with leads in your area, and get free exposure online! No startup fees, no monthly subscription fee, just a 25% referral fee on your commission if your lead results in a transaction. Easy!

There’s no risk, and just reward when you sign up with one of the most trusted online real estate agent directories in the United States: FastExpert.

Andrew Te

Andrew has 7+ years of experience in Real Estate and working with Real Estate Agents. He is passionate about the housing market and solving problems.

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